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Eventi di incontri di affari selezionati da PromoFirenze

Calendario di incontri B2B della rete EEN selezionati da PromoFirenze
PromoFirenze, tra gli innumerevoli eventi della rete Enterprise Europe Network, seleziona alcune opportunità di incontri gratuiti a distanza tra imprese italiane ed estere (solo in lingua inglese, non sono previsti servizi di interpretariato).

Gli incontri sono bilaterali/individuali (B2B). Registrandosi entro la scadenza si ha la possibilità di:

  •  profilare la propria attività, esprimendo le proprie esigenze (cooperazione commerciale, tecnologica, progettuale per bandi etc);
  •  visionare i profili degli altri partecipanti;
  •  verificare la disponibilità ad incontrarsi per arrivare ad un’agenda personalizzata di incontri.

Lo staff di Enterprise Europe Network PromoFirenze ( assiste i partecipanti in tutte le fasi: registrazione, preparazione del profilo, selezione degli operatori da incontrare, follow up post evento. 

Elenco per data di scadenza per la registrazione:


Biotech & Pharma Virtual Partnering Conference 2020
28 – 30 Settembre 2020 scadenza per la registrazione 25 Settembre 2020
Settori/Materie: Drug discovery and drug discovery support, Regenerative medicine, Therapeutic agents, diagnostic agents, AI and IoT technologies.


Salone del Gusto – Terra Madre – Sustainability and Circular Economy for Food Technology
08 Ottobre 2020 scadenza per la registrazione 25 settembre 2020
Natural & Cultural Capital: Agroecology , biodiversity, sustainable farming , precision agriculture , urban agriculture
Circularity: efficient and sustainable food manufacturing, recovery and valorization of by-products of food industry, sustainable packaging, soil regeneration
Co-evolution: reduction of food waste and loss, circularity monitoring systems, smart labelling
social sustainability & gender equality
Agriculture Machinery / Technology , Precision agriculture , Drink Technology , Food Additives/Ingredients/Functional Food , Food Packaging / Handling , Food Processing , Food Technology , Safe production methods Traceability of food , Micro- and Nanotechnology related to agrofood , Wine and liquors , Health food , Soft drinks and bottling plants , Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Animal Husbandry & Related Products


Chem-Match 2020: Corporates meet Startups from the Chemical Industry
1, 8, 9 Ottobre 2020 scadenze per la registrazione: 29 Settembre per virtual Workshop “Corporates Insights”, 7 Settembre per Matchmaking Event, 11 Settembre per Corporate Challenge Event
Settori/Materie: BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES , Biotechnology , Chemical industry , ENVIRONMENT , INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY , Materials technology


IFIB 2020 International Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy
1 – 2 ottobre 2020 scadenza per la registrazione 30 settembre 2020
Settori/Materie: Bioeconomy and circular economy, Energy and environment, Bio-based industries, Agro-food, Marine biotechnology, White biotechnology, Biobased chemical building blocks, Bio-Composites , Biocontrol , Marine Science , Environmental Engineering / Technology , Remediation of Contaminated Sites Market , Other alternative energy , Biomass and Biofuels


5 – 8 ottobre 2020 scadenza per la registrazione 30 settembre 2020
Settori/Materie: Fashion and Textile (Garments, accessories, man, kids, woman) , Industrial Manufacture, Textiles Technology, Footwear / Leather Technology , Creative products, Clothing, shoes and accessories (including jewellery)


Photonics Days 2020 Berlin-Brandenburg
5 – 8 Ottobre 2020 scadenza per la registrazione 30 settembre 2020


5 – 6 Ottobre 2020 scadenza per la registrazione 30 settembre 2020
Settori/Materie: IT and Telematics Applications , Agriculture Machinery / Technology , Precision agriculture , Food Processing , Food Technology , Optical material testing , Optical Technology related to measurements , Sensor Technology related to measurements , Electronic measurement systems , Satellite ground (and others) equipment , Other scanning related (incl. image processing, …) , Artificial intelligence related software , Laser Related , Other analytical and scientific instrumentation , Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Animal Husbandry & Related Products .


7-8 ottobre 2020 scadenza per la registrazione 02 Ottobre 2020
Settori/Materie: sviluppo sostenibile economia circolare e energia intelligente
INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURING, MATERIAL AND TRANSPORT , Construction Technology , ENERGY , Renewable Sources of Energy , Energy efficiency , Environment , Waste Management , Water Management , Alternative Energy , Energy for Transport , Industrial Equipment and Machinery , Pollution and Recycling Related , Chemical and solid material , Recycling , Water treatment equipment and waste disposal systems , Other pollution and recycling related , Industrial Services


 Climate Smart Mobility

7 – 8 Ottobre 2020 scadenza registrazione 02 Ottobre 2020
Settori/Materie: Technology, Products or parts to electrical vehicles, Industrial Manufacture , Transport Infrastructure , Air Transport , Logistics , Road Transport , Water Transport , Design of Vehicles , Hybrid and Electric Vehicles , Road Vehicles , Shipbuilding , Artificial intelligence applications for cars and transport , Navigation and embedded systems , Sensors for cars and transport , Lightweight construction , Air pollution control for cars and transport , Automotive engineering , Body and main parts , Automotive electrical and electronics , Audio / video , Charging system , Electrical supply system , Measurement devices , Ignition system , Lighting and signalling system , Switches and wiring , Security systems , Interior equipment
Powertrain and chassis , Braking system , Energy supply system , Transmission systems , Other Industrial Technologies , Energy storage and transport , Storage of electricity, batteries , Transmission of electricity , Environment


Meetings Food Paris 2020 – Meet Buyers

rivolgersi a
18 – 21 Ottobre 2020 scadenza per la registrazione 4 ottobre 2020

Quota simbolica di partecipazione per incontro con i buyers e tra i fornitori


Biomedica on the move

08 Ottobre 2020 scadenza per la registrazione 7 ottobre 2020
Settori/Materie: Wearables & Artificial Intelligence for Health , Applications for Health, Safety & systems , Sensors & Wireless products , Health information management , Remote diagnostics , Sensor Technology related to measurements , Electronic Components , Monitoring equipment


DroneDays 2.0 Matchmaking event, 5th edition
22 Ottobre 2020 scadenza per la registrazione 15 ottobre 2020
Settori/Materie: Automation, Robotics Control Systems , Artificial Intelligence (AI) , Computer Software , Imaging, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition , Information Technology/Informatics , Internet of Things , Security systems , Planning and security , Guidance and control , Precision agriculture , Sensor Technology related to measurements , Assessment of Environmental Risk and Impact , Measurement and Detection of Pollution , Natural Disasters , Remote sensing technology , Creative services , Other data communications , Other electronics related (including keyboards) , Rescue and emergency equipment , Process control and logistics , Airfield and other transportation services , Security and commodity brokers and services.

Quota simbolica di partecipazione che include DroneDays 2.0 Convention


Green Office @ ORGATEC

28 – 29 Ottobre 2020 scadenza per la registrazione 25 ottobre 2020
Settori/Materie: Green building knowledge, Sustainable procedures, Healthy environment , Mobile office


chii2020 – Conference and B2B on Hyperspectral Imaging (HIS) for industrial applications

28 – 29 Ottobre 2020 scadenza per la registrazione 27 ottobre 2020
Settori/Materie: information processing & Systems, Workflow , Medical Technology / Biomedical Engineering , Forest technology , Food Technology , Electronic measurement systems , OCR (optical character recognition) , Other scanning related (incl. image processing, …) Medical imaging , Medical equipment , Other chemicals and materials (not elsewhere classified), Industrial Equipment and Machinery

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