Calendario di incontri B2B della rete EEN selezionati da PromoFirenze
PromoFirenze, tra gli innumerevoli eventi della rete Enterprise Europe Network, seleziona alcune opportunità di incontri gratuiti a distanza tra imprese italiane ed estere (solo in lingua inglese, non sono previsti servizi di interpretariato).
Gli incontri sono bilaterali/individuali (B2B). Registrandosi entro la scadenza si ha la possibilità di:
- profilare la propria attività, esprimendo le proprie esigenze (cooperazione commerciale, tecnologica, progettuale per bandi etc);
- visionare i profili degli altri partecipanti;
- verificare la disponibilità ad incontrarsi per arrivare ad un’agenda personalizzata di incontri.
Lo staff di Enterprise Europe Network PromoFirenze ( assiste i partecipanti in tutte le fasi: registrazione, preparazione del profilo, selezione degli operatori da incontrare, follow up post evento.
Elenco per data di scadenza per la registrazione:
Biotech & Pharma Virtual Partnering Conference 2020
28 – 30 Settembre 2020 scadenza per la registrazione 25 Settembre 2020
Settori/Materie: Drug discovery and drug discovery support, Regenerative medicine, Therapeutic agents, diagnostic agents, AI and IoT technologies.
Salone del Gusto – Terra Madre – Sustainability and Circular Economy for Food Technology
08 Ottobre 2020 scadenza per la registrazione 25 settembre 2020
Natural & Cultural Capital: Agroecology , biodiversity, sustainable farming , precision agriculture , urban agriculture
Circularity: efficient and sustainable food manufacturing, recovery and valorization of by-products of food industry, sustainable packaging, soil regeneration
Co-evolution: reduction of food waste and loss, circularity monitoring systems, smart labelling
social sustainability & gender equality
Agriculture Machinery / Technology , Precision agriculture , Drink Technology , Food Additives/Ingredients/Functional Food , Food Packaging / Handling , Food Processing , Food Technology , Safe production methods Traceability of food , Micro- and Nanotechnology related to agrofood , Wine and liquors , Health food , Soft drinks and bottling plants , Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Animal Husbandry & Related Products
Chem-Match 2020: Corporates meet Startups from the Chemical Industry
1, 8, 9 Ottobre 2020 scadenze per la registrazione: 29 Settembre per virtual Workshop “Corporates Insights”, 7 Settembre per Matchmaking Event, 11 Settembre per Corporate Challenge Event
Settori/Materie: BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES , Biotechnology , Chemical industry , ENVIRONMENT , INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY , Materials technology
IFIB 2020 International Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy
1 – 2 ottobre 2020 scadenza per la registrazione 30 settembre 2020
Settori/Materie: Bioeconomy and circular economy, Energy and environment, Bio-based industries, Agro-food, Marine biotechnology, White biotechnology, Biobased chemical building blocks, Bio-Composites , Biocontrol , Marine Science , Environmental Engineering / Technology , Remediation of Contaminated Sites Market , Other alternative energy , Biomass and Biofuels
5 – 8 ottobre 2020 scadenza per la registrazione 30 settembre 2020
Settori/Materie: Fashion and Textile (Garments, accessories, man, kids, woman) , Industrial Manufacture, Textiles Technology, Footwear / Leather Technology , Creative products, Clothing, shoes and accessories (including jewellery)
Photonics Days 2020 Berlin-Brandenburg
5 – 8 Ottobre 2020 scadenza per la registrazione 30 settembre 2020
5 – 6 Ottobre 2020 scadenza per la registrazione 30 settembre 2020
Settori/Materie: IT and Telematics Applications , Agriculture Machinery / Technology , Precision agriculture , Food Processing , Food Technology , Optical material testing , Optical Technology related to measurements , Sensor Technology related to measurements , Electronic measurement systems , Satellite ground (and others) equipment , Other scanning related (incl. image processing, …) , Artificial intelligence related software , Laser Related , Other analytical and scientific instrumentation , Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Animal Husbandry & Related Products .
7-8 ottobre 2020 scadenza per la registrazione 02 Ottobre 2020
Settori/Materie: sviluppo sostenibile economia circolare e energia intelligente
INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURING, MATERIAL AND TRANSPORT , Construction Technology , ENERGY , Renewable Sources of Energy , Energy efficiency , Environment , Waste Management , Water Management , Alternative Energy , Energy for Transport , Industrial Equipment and Machinery , Pollution and Recycling Related , Chemical and solid material , Recycling , Water treatment equipment and waste disposal systems , Other pollution and recycling related , Industrial Services
Climate Smart Mobility
7 – 8 Ottobre 2020 scadenza registrazione 02 Ottobre 2020
Settori/Materie: Technology, Products or parts to electrical vehicles, Industrial Manufacture , Transport Infrastructure , Air Transport , Logistics , Road Transport , Water Transport , Design of Vehicles , Hybrid and Electric Vehicles , Road Vehicles , Shipbuilding , Artificial intelligence applications for cars and transport , Navigation and embedded systems , Sensors for cars and transport , Lightweight construction , Air pollution control for cars and transport , Automotive engineering , Body and main parts , Automotive electrical and electronics , Audio / video , Charging system , Electrical supply system , Measurement devices , Ignition system , Lighting and signalling system , Switches and wiring , Security systems , Interior equipment
Powertrain and chassis , Braking system , Energy supply system , Transmission systems , Other Industrial Technologies , Energy storage and transport , Storage of electricity, batteries , Transmission of electricity , Environment
Meetings Food Paris 2020 – Meet Buyers
rivolgersi a
18 – 21 Ottobre 2020 scadenza per la registrazione 4 ottobre 2020
Quota simbolica di partecipazione per incontro con i buyers e tra i fornitori
Biomedica on the move
08 Ottobre 2020 scadenza per la registrazione 7 ottobre 2020
Settori/Materie: Wearables & Artificial Intelligence for Health , Applications for Health, Safety & systems , Sensors & Wireless products , Health information management , Remote diagnostics , Sensor Technology related to measurements , Electronic Components , Monitoring equipment
DroneDays 2.0 Matchmaking event, 5th edition
22 Ottobre 2020 scadenza per la registrazione 15 ottobre 2020
Settori/Materie: Automation, Robotics Control Systems , Artificial Intelligence (AI) , Computer Software , Imaging, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition , Information Technology/Informatics , Internet of Things , Security systems , Planning and security , Guidance and control , Precision agriculture , Sensor Technology related to measurements , Assessment of Environmental Risk and Impact , Measurement and Detection of Pollution , Natural Disasters , Remote sensing technology , Creative services , Other data communications , Other electronics related (including keyboards) , Rescue and emergency equipment , Process control and logistics , Airfield and other transportation services , Security and commodity brokers and services.
Quota simbolica di partecipazione che include DroneDays 2.0 Convention
Green Office @ ORGATEC
28 – 29 Ottobre 2020 scadenza per la registrazione 25 ottobre 2020
Settori/Materie: Green building knowledge, Sustainable procedures, Healthy environment , Mobile office
chii2020 – Conference and B2B on Hyperspectral Imaging (HIS) for industrial applications
28 – 29 Ottobre 2020 scadenza per la registrazione 27 ottobre 2020
Settori/Materie: information processing & Systems, Workflow , Medical Technology / Biomedical Engineering , Forest technology , Food Technology , Electronic measurement systems , OCR (optical character recognition) , Other scanning related (incl. image processing, …) Medical imaging , Medical equipment , Other chemicals and materials (not elsewhere classified), Industrial Equipment and Machinery